Friday, October 15, 2010


As i interview a lecturer of media studies Miss Rofhiwa F. Mukhudwana i noticed that she has a very good understanding of what academic freedom is in correlation to the protection of information bill. The interview is as follows: s table for a number of years under construction and reconstruction. The function of this law is to protect classified information in the national interest. The bill makes it a punishable offence (25 yrs in prison) for the media or anybody to possess or publish classified state information. As academics we are well aware that certain information should be protected from public access in order to preserve the dignity and the safety of the state. The only problem is that the banner of the national interest as provided in the bill is too broad. Thus one can never be certain of what information is protected and what is free to public access. t think the bill goes as far as to threaten this human right. There are still many avenues in which information can be solicited and obtained. There is still the Promotion of Access to Information Act of 2000 which I believe stands to deter against the Protection of Information Bill. t foresee much academic censorship. Although the bill may reduce access to information, it is without doubt that once the information is accessed it will be used without self-censorship. .t think the bill will pass in parliament as it standsThere has been an immense public outcry, government will have to retreat. .
What are your views on the proposed bill?
The proposed Protection of Information Bill in not necessarily a new legislation. It has been on parliament
To what extent do you think the bill will affect academic freedom within South African universities?It definitely has a rather negative impact on academic freedom. If the bill passes as it stands, it would mean that any state official or parastatal may classify any information as inaccessible. In this case, university researchers, both academics and students may be denied valuable data necessary for academic knowledge and social innovation. Universities thrive on the ability to research and create knowledge and without which may be relegated into obscurity.
Do you think students at UKZN have academic freedom, and if not will the bill further compound this problem?Yes students currently enjoy academic freedom
How important do think it is for the growth of the human race to have free access to information in order for them to examine, disseminate and question for their own understanding and knowledge?The right to know is very important to humanity but I don
What do you believe are the implications of academic censorship if the bill is to come into effect?Universities are generally free from economical and political pressures so I don

Does this bill impose/enforce on academic freedom?

In your opinion, is the passing of this bill good/bad in terms of academic freedom?Totally unwelcome, but I don
What does academic freedom mean in correlation to the bill?The ability to achieve and impart knowledge freely and responsibly

This interview shared some light to the unanswered questions i have on academic freedom in Howard College.
   Miss Rofhiwa F. Mukhudwana

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