Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Happiness n Pain!!!

Id like you to think back to the very first time we met,
How you felt around me?The memories we shared
And just remember that once apon a time, you cared

The pain was deep, unbearable and painful, for so many years
I'll never forget all the sadness, all the uncontrollable tears,
Slowly I am rebuilding my life, I am happy with what I've got
And although it is hard. I am beginning to forget what I have not!

You were my first true love, that will always be so
After all the heartache, sadness and never ending pain
I know you and I had something special and that will never change,
Because I love you and loving someone else will always seem strange

I know I promised I'd never make you cry
I know it hurts but please dry your eyes..

Dedicated to women kind...

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